County FAs: Change the game and make mental health a priority in grassroots football with The Vault

A comprehensive digital suite of mental health support tools that allows County FAs to fully empower grassroots clubs with their mental health.

What is The Vault?

The Vault is a comprehensive initiative designed to support players, spectators, communities, coaches, match officials and volunteers within grassroots football with their mental health. All resource is white-labelled and fully branded to your organisation's requirements, accessible via your bespoke web portal.

The Vault is here to help County FAs reduce the internal stress and time spent on mental health support and to empower all those involved in the grassroots game to learn about mental health and develop stronger coping mechanisms.

1 in 4 of us will experience mental health difficulties each year and with this, it is important that we all take time to look after ourselves and our mental health.

Mental health does not discriminate. Whatever your skin tone, gender, job title, religious persuasion or postcode, we all have mental health and it is just like our fingerprint - completely unique to us.

The toll on mental health doesn't take a break when the season ends - it can actually intensify.

Players are left without the support of their coach or teammates, leaving them with potentially no one to turn to and share their struggles.

The weekly release everyone involved in grassroots has during the season is gone, and some may themselves isolated and alone without any regular interaction with their peers.

The absence of a safe space to express their feelings can leave people feeling lost and overwhelmed. Doubts and self-criticism may start to take over their minds, making them anxious about returning to the game and questioning their abilities, whatever their role within the Club. 

Let us not overlook the fact that mental health needs to be addressed throughout the year - we must work together to ensure that players, spectators, communities, coaches, match officials and volunteers alike have the resources and support they need to maintain their well-being.
We have collaborated with specialist psychologists, coaches, and ex-players to identify key challenges and create innovative solutions for The Vault.

About The Vault

As a grassroots coach, I understand the importance of supporting and maintaining the mental health of players and those associated with the team. That's why I wanted to create a hub, where anyone involved in football at ANY level can access support for their mental health. That place is The Vault.

I believe that football has a huge responsibility to those involved in the sport to continually help to build and maintain the mental health of their stakeholders.

Mental health should be given the same level of attention and support as other critical issues like safeguarding. Currently, it is not and there is a complete lack of digital mental health support out there for the football community.

The Vault is for County FAs to enable them to empower grassroots clubs, players, coaches, match officials, committee members/volunteers and families with their mental health.

The Vault will include resources such as:
- Downloads/infographics on topics such as anxiety, mindfulness, stress management, mental fitness, coping skills, goal setting, resilience, confidence, ED&I, neurodiversity, LGBTQ+ and more
- Regular webinars from recognised mental health experts and ex-pro players
- Online meetings
- Mental Health Playbooks
- Access to mental health training
- Signposting to places where your people can access further support

And the best part? The Vault is constantly growing and evolving, with new resources added on a monthly basis to keep things fresh and relevant to what's happening in society and football on an ongoing basis. This will ensure subscribers stay engaged and maintain a high level of interest, delivering continued value to both them and your organisation. 

We at The Football Mental Health Alliance believe it is crucial to address these important mental health topics and provide accessible resources to support everyone in the football community.

2023 is going to be VERY challenging for everyone and now is the time for us all to step up, take action and make mental health a priority.
Danny Matharu
Founder - The Football Mental Health Alliance


The Vault is FREE for all those in grassroots football.

We have seen that not one pro-Club/Foundation or County FA has a digital offering and as a result are excluding a great number of those they seek to help.

Internet Access is Now Mainstream
Despite 94%* of UK households having internet access, a crucial gap remains in the football world - the absence of digital mental health support.
Covid-19 Impact
The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the urgent need for accessible and anonymous mental health products for children and young people, who have increasingly sought out digital options. These services eliminate barriers to early intervention, providing comfort and confidentiality to those in need.
Adult Uptake
Additionally, digital support also meets the demands of adults who cannot or choose not to attend in-person well-being sessions offered. 
Massive Void in Football
We have seen that not one pro-Club/Foundation or County FA has a digital offering and as a result are excluding a great number of those they seek to help.
The Answer is The Vault
The Vault bridges this gap - it's an ultra-cost-effective solution that empowers your organisation to educate and support the mental health of all those involved in grassroots football in your area with ease.
Updated Monthly
The Vault is white-labelled to your brand and all the content is designed around football - this is what makes it so powerful.

Content is updated monthly which ensures subscribers stay engaged and maintain a high level of interest, delivering continued value to both them and your organisation.

Regular Webinars

All are delivered by recognised experts and ex-professional players, discussing mental health, offering lived experiences and guidance on how you can support yourself and those in your care.

Mental Health Playbook

This Playbook will help to build and maintain mental wellbeing by sending weekly, actionable tips direct to a smart device that can be incorporated into daily life.

Mental Health Training

We believe that at least one person in every organisation and grassroots club should be Mental Health First Aid trained as a minimum. We can offer training via recognised providers. 


Info on: Self-awareness, Anxiety, Mindfulness, How to spot signs of deterioration of mental health in self/players/teammates/family members, Information on how to identify and support individuals who are neurodiverse, How to mentally prepare for a match, ED&I, LGBTQ+, and more

Online Meetings

A place where all those involved in football can discuss issues that are affecting them in confidence with a common interest, facilitating smoother conversations from all those present.


Organisations both locally and nationally who can help your stakeholders when it is needed. People should not have to go looking for where to find support. The Vault will signpost where to go.





We understand that offering mental health support is time-consuming, costly & can be stressful for your organisation & employees. The Vault will save you time, money and internal resource.

We also give you weekly social media graphics so you can continually talk about and promote Mental Health

We understand you might not have the time or internal resource to run an effective, sustained social media campaign. We will provide you with images and copy every week so you can build a successful campaign, allowing you to post effective, timely content around The Vault and mental health in general. 

Mental health needs to be talked about continually. One Facebook post every blue moon WILL NOT put a strong message out that you are here to support your grassroots clubs with their mental health. We will give you a full suite of graphics and wording that you simply paste into your social posts on a weekly basis. 



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